Production Blog: Delays

We are rearranging parts of the tale since we encountered several problems. First, because to sports, we had to miss some filming days. Secondly, my dad had a business trip, so we were unable to record his sequences. Our first notion for the opening scene didn't sit well with us either. The issue was that it appeared to be an opening scene trailer far too much. We therefore chose to continue with the same plot, but the party for the birthday girl is where it all starts. It so occurred that the timing coincidentally coincided with our friend's actual birthday. This is done in order to introduce conflict early on in the narrative. There will be a lot of music and not a lot of conversation. This creates conflict in the discourse right from the start. This will involve cutting in and out of a man delivering a parcel while driving a lovely car. This creates the story's setup plot. The mother arrives to receive a parcel that the man has delivered. She then gives it to her son, who puts it on and says he hopes his friend never has to go inside the building. Although I felt that wanting for someone to be completely erased from history would be excessive, this wish can nonetheless result in loss. All the characters that would appear in the film are covered in this manner. This also means that the bracelet is used, and the moment of suspense when the companion disappears is precisely when the opening scene ends. My observation of the increasing number of opening scenes in movies did not begin until lately. It wasn't working for me, even though the movies I looked into had opening scenes that resembled my plan and featured brief movie snippets and credits. As a result, this change is more narrative in nature. It will, I believe, flow and look much better. That means that in a few days, filming will begin.


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