Group Blog

 Good to see you again on the blog.  I will be working with Stella, David and Sloane. We are all a high school sophomore. We have similar friends and I first met them in middle school. We spent the entire summer hanging out as a bunch of friends. They are the ideal partners for me because we have mutual trust. Since we both know we will complete the task, we can trust one another. Our parents also get along. This indicates that our parents are comfortable having one another over to their homes. Sloane is smart, which is why I decided to work with her. Additionally, Stella completes his work on time. I also think we could come up with some really excellent solutions if we collaborate. Due to the fact that we both have incredibly creative imaginations, this opening scene will be fantastic. We are brainstorming our ideas. We will pick the one that is entertaining. I am looking forward to working with my group mates. They might appear in the video and carry out our plans. We all get along and should be able to make some great scenes together. That is my group, hope you enjoyed.


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