Intro Blog

 My name is Conner Simmons. I was born on June 17th, 2008, that  makes me 15 years old. I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale Florida. I life with my mom, dad, and 18 year old brother, along with 2 dogs. I am a Christian and have devoted myself to God. Some hobbies I enjoy are, soccer, surfing, drawing, skateboarding, video games and going to the gym. I went to elementary at Wilton Manors Elementary, then I went to middle school at New River Middle, and now I'm currently a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High. I am 5'6, 135 pounds, I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Some things that interest me are, cars, fashion and self improvement. When I grow up I would like to be very successful, whether that means I become a professional soccer player or an entrepreneur, its gonna happen. 3 words to describe me are, empathetic, creative and passionate. School is one of my least favorite things, especially English and Math. Some of my favorite things are hanging out with friends, watching movies, eating, sleeping and going to the beach. My parents were born and raised  in North Carolina. So most of my family on both my mom and dads side lives in North Carolina so I go up there quite a bit to see them. My grandma on my moms side had 10 children so I have a lot of Aunts, Uncles and cousins. On my dads side though my grandma only had 2 children so I only have one uncle. My Highschool experience so far has been kind of rough, its been a lot of fun but I struggled with my grades last year. I hope for this year to be better as I am very smart and my grades did not correctly reflect my academic capabilities. This is my intro blog to my project, hope you enjoy.


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