production blog

Hey blog. My group and I don't know exactly where we will be filming yet. But we have some ideas. A few of our scenes will be at the beach. Some will be in the water. Some will be on the sand. Or us walking along the beach. There will be some of us in the car. Most likely just driving around. We just want the music video to be random stuff. Like throwing water balloons or just running around. A lot of our friends will be included in this. Me and my partner Dakota will be trading off jobs. One of will film some parts of the video while the other one is being one of the actors. Or one of us will be editing and the other will be looking through the scenes we filmed and find the perfect one. We will have to film the same scenes probably multiple times to get the perfect one. There will be 12 different scenes in our video. So this will be a long process. It will be fun to do this with our friends. Well i am out of things to talk about today. Talk to you soon blog.


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