production blog- changing up the scenes

Hey blog. My group and I were talking. We decided to change a few things. Our scenes wont be the same as what we put in the storyboard. These new scenes will be shorter. It will include me and my friends doing random stuff. There will still be a scene with water balloons. And one of us eating fast food. The scenes of us in the car driving around will still be there. And maybe on the beach. If we have any time to back and film that one. There is a new one of us in the pool. we filmed one of my friends playing basketball. We also took a shot of me and my friends playing tag and running around. Thee is one funny one of us talking to animals. There is a scene of us biking around. We have 100 seconds of recorded now. So we have more then enough for our music video. As I edit I will have to be cutting some scenes out. Or just making the long ones shorter. This took a long time. I cant wait for the final product. I hope you enjoy it. Talk to you soon.


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